Tuesday, July 13, 2010
How to disable user from right click on webpage
<script type="text/javascript">
function md(e)
try { if (event.button==2||event.button==3) return false; }
catch (e) { if (e.which == 3) return false; }
document.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; }
document.ondragstart = function() { return false; }
document.onmousedown = md;
Two Phase Commit using Hibernate and JTA Transaction Manager
1. Create 2 / multilple Data Source
2. Create 2 / multiple Session Factory
3. Create 2 / multiple DAO's or Repository classes.
4. Create a Single Service class using multiple DAO's / Repository classes to perform distributed database operation.
5. Apply Transaction Demarcation to this Service Class using JTA transaction Manager.
Below is the extract of the spring configuration which is used to do two-phase commit.
<bean id="myDataSource1" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiName">
<bean id="myDataSource2" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiName">
<bean id="mySessionFactory1" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="mappingResources">
<property name="hibernateProperties">
<prop key="hibernate.dialect">net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</prop>
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="myDataSource1"/>
<bean id="mySessionFactory2" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="mappingResources">
<property name="hibernateProperties">
<prop key="hibernate.dialect">net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect</prop>
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="myDataSource2"/>
<bean id="myTransactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager"/>
<bean id="myProductDao" class="product.ProductDaoImpl">
<property name="sessionFactory">
<ref bean="mySessionFactory1"/>
<bean id="myInventoryDao" class="product.InventoryDaoImpl">
<property name="sessionFactory">
<ref bean="mySessionFactory2"/>
<bean id="myProductServiceTarget" class="product.ProductServiceImpl">
<property name="productDao">
<ref bean="myProductDao"/>
<property name="inventoryDao">
<ref bean="myInventoryDao"/>
<bean id="myProductService" class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref bean="myTransactionManager"/>
<property name="target">
<ref bean="myProductServiceTarget"/>
<property name="transactionAttributes">
<prop key="increasePrice*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
<prop key="someOtherBusinessMethod">PROPAGATION_MANDATORY</prop>
Sunday, July 11, 2010
How to call store procedure in Hibernate?
Here’s a MySQL store procedure, which accept a stock code parameter and return the related stock data.
CREATE PROCEDURE `GetStocks`(int_stockcode varchar(20))
SELECT * FROM stock WHERE stock_code = int_stockcode;
END $$
In Hibernate, there are three approaches to call a database store procedure.
1. Native SQL – createSQLQuery
You can use createSQLQuery() to call a store procedure directly.
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(
"CALL GetStocks(:stockCode)")
.setParameter("stockCode", "7277");
List result = query.list();
for(int i=0; i<result.size(); i++){
Stock stock = (Stock)result.get(i);
2. NamedNativeQuery in annotation
Declare your store procedure inside the @NamedNativeQueries annotation.
name = "callStockStoreProcedure",
query = "CALL GetStocks(:stockCode)",
resultClass = Stock.class
@Table(name = "stock")
public class Stock implements java.io.Serializable {
Call it with getNamedQuery().
Query query = session.getNamedQuery("callStockStoreProcedure")
.setParameter("stockCode", "7277");
List result = query.list();
for(int i=0; i<result.size(); i++){
Stock stock = (Stock)result.get(i);
3. sql-query in XML mapping file
Declare your store procedure inside the “sql-query” tag.
<!-- Stock.hbm.xml -->
<class name="com.mkyong.common.Stock" table="stock" ...>
<id name="stockId" type="java.lang.Integer">
<column name="STOCK_ID" />
<generator class="identity" />
<property name="stockCode" type="string">
<column name="STOCK_CODE" length="10" not-null="true" unique="true" />
<sql-query name="callStockStoreProcedure">
<return alias="stock" class="com.mkyong.common.Stock"/>
<![CDATA[CALL GetStocks(:stockCode)]]>
Call it with getNamedQuery().
Query query = session.getNamedQuery("callStockStoreProcedure")
.setParameter("stockCode", "7277");
List result = query.list();
for(int i=0; i<result.size(); i++){
Stock stock = (Stock)result.get(i);
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
What is the difference between URI, URL and URN?
An URI identifies a resource. It is a locator. It includes a URI scheme, authority, path, query and fragment by syntax. For example, http: is a URI scheme.
A URI identifies a resource either by location, or a name, or both. More often than not, most of us use URIs that defines a location to a resource. The fact that a URI can identify a resources by both name and location has lead to a lot of the confusion in my opionion. A URI has two specializations known as URL and URN.
The term “Uniform Resource Name” (URN) is used to identify a resource independent of its location. Example urn:ISBN:1-23-432536-5
A URI identifies a resource by name in a given namespace but not define how the resource maybe obtained. This type of URI is called a URN. You may see URNs used in XML Schema documents to define a namespace, usually using a syntax such as:
<xsd:schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
Here the targetNamespace
use a URN. It defines an identifier to the namespace, but it does not define a location.
The term “Uniform Resource Locator” (URL) refers to the subset of URIs that, in addition to identifying a resource, provide a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism (e.g., its network “location”).
A URL is a specialization of URI that defines the network location of a specific resource. Unlike a URN, the URL defines how the resource can be obtained. We use URLs every day in the form of http://learnjavaindetail.blogspot.com, etc. But a URL doesn’t have to be an HTTP URL, it can be ftp://learnjavaindetail.blogspot.com, smb://learnjavaindetail.blogspot.com, etc.
JVM becomes an instance of JRE at runtime of a java program. It is widely known as a runtime interpreter. The Java virtual machine (JVM) is the cornerstone on top of which the Java technology is built upon. It is the component of the Java technology responsible for its hardware and platform independence. JVM largely helps in the abstraction of inner implementation from the programmers who make use of libraries for their programmes from JDK.
Like a real computing machine, JVM has an instruction set and manipulates various memory areas at run time. Thus for different hardware platforms one has corresponding implementation of JVM available as vendor supplied JREs. It is common to implement a programming language using a virtual machine. Historicaly the best-known virtual machine may be the P-Code machine of UCSD Pascal.
A Java virtual machine instruction consists of an opcode specifying the operation to be performed, followed by zero or more operands embodying values to be operated upon. From the point of view of a compiler, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)is just another processor with an instruction set, Java bytecode, for which code can be generated. Life cycle is as follows, source code to byte code to be interpreted by the JRE and gets converted to the platform specific executable ones.
Sun’s JVM
Sun’s implementations of the Java virtual machine (JVM) is itself called as JRE. Sun’s JRE is availabe as a separate application and also available as part of JDK. Sun’s Java Development Tool Kit (JDK) comes with utility tools for byte code compilation “javac”. Then execution of the byte codes through java programmes using “java” and many more utilities found in the binary directory of JDK. ‘java’ tools forks the JRE. Implementation of JVMs are also actively released by other companies besides Sun Micro Systems.
Just-in-time Compiler (JIT)
JIT is the part of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is used to speed up the execution time. JIT compiles parts of the byte code that have similar functionality at the same time, and hence reduces the amount of time needed for compilation. Here the term “compiler” refers to a translator from the instruction set of a Java virtual machine (JVM) to the instruction set of a specific CPU.
What is cloning in Javva? What is Shallow Cloning and Deep Cloning ?
In java, though clone is ‘intended’ to produce a copy of the same object it is not guaranteed. Clone comes with lots of its and buts. So my first advice is to not depend on clones. If you want to provide a handle / method to deliver a copy of the current instance write a kind of factory method and provide it with a good documentation. When you are in a situation to use a third party component and produce copies of it using the clone method, then investigate that implementation carefully and get to know what is underlying. Because when you ask for a rabbit, it may give monkeys!
Shallow Copy
Generally clone method of an object, creates a new instance of the same class and copies all the fields to the new instance and returns it. This is nothing but shallow copy. Object class provides a clone method and provides support for the shallow copy. It returns ‘Object’ as type and you need to explicitly cast back to your original object.
Since the Object class has the clone method (protected) you cannot use it in all your classes. The class which you want to be cloned should implement clone method and overwrite it. It should provide its own meaning for copy or to the least it should invoke the super.clone(). Also you have to implement Cloneable marker interface else you will get CloneNotSupportedException. When you invoke the super.clone() then you are dependent on the Object class’s implementation and what you get is a shallow copy.
Deep Copy
When you need a deep copy then you need to implement it yourself. When the copied object contains some other object its references are copied recursively in deep copy. When you implement deep copy be careful as you might fall for cyclic dependencies. If you don’t want to implement deep copy yourselves then you can go for serialization. It does implements deep copy implicitly and gracefully handling cyclic dependencies.
One more disadvantage with this clone system is that, most of the interface / abstract class writers in java forget to put a public clone method. For example you can take List. So when you want to clone their implementations you have to ignore the abstract type and use actual implementations like ArrayList by name. This completely removes the advantage and goodness of abstractness.
When implementing a singleton pattern, if its superclass implements a public clone() method, to prevent your subclass from using this class’s clone() method to obtain a copy overwrite it and throw a CloneNotSupportedException.
Note that clone is not for instantiation and initialization. It should not be synonymously used as creating a new object. Because the constructor of the cloned objects may never get invoked in the process. It is about copying the object in discussion and not creating new. It completely depends on the clone implementation. One more disadvantage (what to do there are so many), clone prevents the use of final fields. We have to find roundabout ways to copy the final fields into the copied object.
Clone is an agreement between you, compiler and implementer. If you are confident that you all three have good knowledge of java, then go ahead and use clone. If you have a slightest of doubt better copy the object manually.
Static Binding vs Dynamic Binding
Dynamic Binding or Late Binding
Dynamic Binding refers to the case where compiler is not able to resolve the call and the binding is done at runtime only. Let's try to understand this. Suppose we have a class named 'SuperClass' and another class named 'SubClass' extends it. Now a 'SuperClass' reference can be assigned to an object of the type 'SubClass' as well. If we have a method (say 'someMethod()') in the 'SuperClass' which we override in the 'SubClass' then a call of that method on a 'SuperClass' reference can only be resolved at runtime as the compiler can't be sure of what type of object this reference would be pointing to at runtime.
SuperClass superClass1 = new SuperClass();
SuperClass superClass2 = new SubClass();
superClass1.someMethod(); // SuperClass version is called
superClass2.someMethod(); // SubClass version is called
Here, we see that even though both the object references superClass1 and superClass2 are of type 'SuperClass' only, but at run time they refer to the objects of types 'SuperClass' and 'SubClass' respectively.
Hence, at compile time the compiler can't be sure if the call to the method 'someMethod()' on these references actually refer to which version of the method - the super class version or the sub class version.
Thus, we see that dynamic binding in Java simply binds the method calls (inherited methods only as they can be overriden in a sub class and hence compiler may not be sure of which version of the method to call) based on the actual object type and not on the declared type of the object reference.
Static Binding or Early Binding
If the compiler can resolve the binding at the compile time only then such a binding is called Static Binding or Early Binding. All the instance method calls are always resolved at runtime, but all the static method calls are resolved at compile time itself and hence we have static binding for static method calls. Because static methods are class methods and hence they can be accessed using the class name itself (in fact they are encourgaed to be used using their corresponding class names only and not by using the object references) and therefore access to them is required to be resolved during compile time only using the compile time type information. That's the reason why static methods can not actually be overriden.
What is a java marker interface? Is there any alternative to marker interface ?
Java marker interface has no members in it. Marker interface ‘was’ used as a tag to inform a message to the java compiler.
Java Marker Interface Examples:
Lets take the java.io.Serializable marker interface. It doesnot has any members defined it it. When a java class is to be serialized, you should intimate the java compiler in some way that there is a possibility of serializing this java class. In this scenario, marker interfaces are used. The java class which may be serialized has to implement the java.io.Serializable marker interface. In such way, we are intimating the java compiler.
Alternative to marker interface
From java 1.5, the need for marker interface is eliminated by the introduction of the java annotation feature. So, it is wise to use java annotations than the marker interface. It has more feature and advantages than the java marker interface.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
How to add a Bookmarks and SetAsHomePage link on webpage
function addfav()
var BookmarkURL = "http://www.learnjavaindetail.blogspot.com"
var BookmarkTitle = "Java FAQ's"
if (document.all)
// Add to Favorites (Internet Explorer)
window.external.AddFavorite(BookmarkURL, BookmarkTitle)
// Add to Bookmarks (Mozilla Firefox)
window.sidebar.addPanel(BookmarkTitle, BookmarkURL, '');
function setHomepage()
if (document.all)
document.body.style.behavior = 'url(#default#homepage)';
else if (window.sidebar)
if (window.netscape)
alert("this action was aviod by your browser,if you want to enable,please enter about:config in your address line,and change the value of signed.applets.codebase_principal_support to true");
var prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
prefs.setCharPref('browser.startup.homepage', 'http://www.learnjavaindetail.blogspot.com');
<a href="javascript:addfav()">Add To Favorites</a>
<a href="javascript:setHomepage()">Set As Homepage</a>
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Command Design Pattern
But what if the issuer is not aware of, or does not care who the recipient is? That is, the issuer simply wants to abstractly issue the command?
The Command design pattern encapsulates the concept of the command into an object. The issuer holds a reference to the command object rather than to the recipient. The issuer sends the command to the command object by executing a specific method on it. The command object is then responsible for dispatching the command to a specific recipient to get the job done.
Note the similarities between the Command design pattern and the Strategy design pattern.In the above diagram, the invoker holds an abstract command and issues a command by calling the abstract execute() method. This command is translated into a specific action on a specific receiver by the various concrete command objects. It is also possible for a command to be a collection of commands, called a "macro" command. Calling the execute method of a macro command will invoke a collection of commands.